Pipe pile with internal diaphragm as effective bearing element of deep-water structures


Michael Doubrovsky
Liudmyla Kusik
Vladyslava Dubravina


One of the ways to reduce piling expenses is decreasing volume of piling works. It can be provided by shortening either the piles length or the number of pipes. These results may be achieved if each short-cut pile is improved and bears the same loading as a pile of normal length or if each pile of normal length is improved and bears larger axial force in comparison with its initially designed capacity. Presented study clarified possibilities to regulate the pipe pile’s bearing capacity using an internal rigid diaphragm (closure) placed inside the pile’s shaft. It increases the bearing capacity of the tubular pile due to additional soil reaction under the closure. Pressing the pipe pile’s model into sand box was assumed as the most gentle and precise method to study considered driving process. Besides results of such approach may be good adapted to predict pipe behavior in case of Press-in method of the pile installation. Some conclusions were made clarifying the diaphragm’s positive contribution to pile bearing capacity, the effect of the closure’s location along the pipe shaft, and the influence of the diaphragm’s design (flat, conical, and cylindrical closures). Numerical analysis of the gained experimental data gave the possibility to apply approximating functions with good correlation indexes


Как цитировать
Doubrovsky, M., Kusik, L., & Dubravina, V. (2024). Pipe pile with internal diaphragm as effective bearing element of deep-water structures . Весник Одеского национального морского университета, (72), 16-29. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2024-16-29
Гидротехническое строительство
Биографии авторов

Michael Doubrovsky, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Doctor of technical sciences, professor of the department «Sea and river ports, waterways and their technical operation»

Liudmyla Kusik, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy»

Vladyslava Dubravina, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

graduate student of the department «Sea and river ports, waterways and their technical operation»


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