Editorial Team

Doctor of Physical and Math. Sciences, Professor, head of the department «Higher and Applied Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy» of Odessa national Maritime University Andronov Ivan

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the department «Ship Power Plants and Technical Operation» of Odessa national Maritime University Vasserman Aleksandr

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the department «Ship Power Plants and Technical Operation» of Odessa national Maritime University Varbanets Roman

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the department «Materials resistance department» of Odessa national Maritime University Grishin Andrew

PhD, professor Technical University of Varna, Naval atchitecture and marine engeneering, Faculty member Georgiev Petar

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head. of department «Sea and river ports, waterways and their technical operation»of Odessa national Maritime University Doubrovsky Michael

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director Marine Engineering Bureau, Odessa Egorov Gennadiy

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the department «Sea and river ports, waterways and their technical operation» of Odessa national Maritime University Egupov Konstantin

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department «Mechanics and Marine Architecture» of National University of Shipbuilding, named Admiral Makarov Korostilyov Leontiy

Doctor of Economics, Professor, head of the department «Systems Analysis and Logistics Department» of Odessa national Maritime University Lapkina Inna

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the department «Theory and design of ships» of National University of Shipbuilding, named Admiral Makarov Nekrasov Valeriy

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Marine Business Training Institute of Odessa national Maritime University Onyshenko Svetlana

Doctor of Economics, Professor, head of the Department «Management and Marketing in Maritime Transport» of Odessa national Maritime University Postan Mychaylo

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, rector Odessa national Maritime University Rudenko Sergey (Editor-in-chief)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head. of the Department «Exploitation of marine electric equipment and means of automation» of Odessa national Maritime University Yarovenko Volodymyr


p.h.d., associate professor Alexander Demidyuk - deputy editor-in-chief
Galina Silakova - responsible secretary
Volodymyr Mashin − technical secretary