Analysis of chinese river cruise passenger ships

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A. Egorov


Study of the fleet of Chinese river cruise passenger ships (RCPS) was carried out, main cruise companies were identified: «Century Cruises», «Changjiang Cruises», «China Goddess Cruises», «President Cruises», «Victoria Cruises», «Yangtze Gold Cruises», «Sanctuary Yangzi Explorer».

As of January 2021, there were 29 international RCPS in operation on the Yangtze River. Another 6 RCPS are being completed and will be commissioned in 2021-2023. The mean age of working RCPS is 12,1 years. Total passenger capacity is 10889 passengers, including ships that will be built in the near future 14739 passengers. The average workload of RCPS in 2017 was 75-82 %.

New ships for international tourists are designed and built with 5+* star rating. Features of Chinese region are taken into account: eastern master classes, courses of calligraphy, tai chi and traditional Chinese medicine, individual VIP restaurants and lounge zones, rooms for playing mahjong, Chinese karaoke KTV, lectures about history and culture of the PRC, Chinese elements in interiors. The area of standard cabins varies from 15 to 31 m2 (on the only ultra-luxury Chinese RCPS «Yangtze Explorer»), luxury cabins – from 22 to 176 m2. All cabins, except internal ones, have balconies.

Special attention is paid to the comfort onboard and the environmental friendliness of ships: in order to reduce noise and vibration new RCPS are built with fixed pitch rudder-propellers on electric propulsion, sewage treatment systems are installed, waste is processed directly onboard

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How to Cite
Egorov, A. (2021). Analysis of chinese river cruise passenger ships. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (65), 47-83.
Theory and ship design
Author Biography

A. Egorov, Marine Engineering Bureau, Ukraine, Odessa

Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director


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