Comparative assessment of experimental and calculated values of breaking tensions during tests with a linearly increasing load

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A.V. Konoplev
А.N. Shumilo
Е.К. Rozhko
V.V. Halevskyi
O.N. Kononova


The article provides a comparative assessment of the experimental and calculated values of the breaking tensions at a linearly increasing rate of increase in the load.For this, the correlations between the endurance limit and the parameters of the inclined portion of the fatigue curve expressed by the power equation and the Weibull equation were used. It is shown that the minimum discrepancy between the experimental and calculated values of the breaking tensions occurs in the case of using the correlation dependences between the parameters of the Weibull equation. The results obtained make it possible by calculation to predict the systematic error of accelerated methods for determining the fatigue strength of objects, in which the principle of smooth loading with a linearly increasing load is used.

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How to Cite
Konoplev, A., ShumiloА., RozhkoЕ., Halevskyi, V., & Kononova, O. (2021). Comparative assessment of experimental and calculated values of breaking tensions during tests with a linearly increasing load. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (65), 128-137.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biographies

A.V. Konoplev, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of «Machine Science»

А.N. Shumilo, Odessa National Maritime University

Ph.D Associate Professor of the Department of «Machine Science»

Е.К. Rozhko, Odessa National Maritime University

Assistant of the Department «Applied mechanics»

V.V. Halevskyi, Odessa National Maritime University

Senior Lecturer of the Department «Machine Science»

O.N. Kononova, Odessa National Maritime University

Senior Lecturer of the Department «Machine Science»


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