Management of organizational knowledge in an innovative developmental organization

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Lb. S. Chernova


The article provides a definition of an innovatively developing organization, examines the relationship between business strategy and information technology.

The issues of effective management of the knowledge system, aimed at enhancing innovation, which contributes to the active position of employees: the need to share knowledge, cooperation in the implementation of joint projects, motivation for self-development are considered.

The principles of managing an innovatively developing organization are given. In systems built on these principles, people whose intelligence has dynamism and the ability to make decisions should participate on an equal footing. Technologies that support knowledge management can combine them into one system.

A model of a knowledge management system is presented, built around the knowledge cycle in the form of «knowledge processes»: to identify, create, save, exchange, apply. The content of knowledge management is to ensure the dissemination of knowledge, both from the external and from the internal environment. Knowledge should be «useful», that is, for a particular organization, that knowledge is valuable that contributes to the growth of its innovative activity and is able to fill the «chain of knowledge» with meaningful meaning.

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How to Cite
Chernova, L. S. (2021). Management of organizational knowledge in an innovative developmental organization. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (65), 186-198.
Project and program management
Author Biography

Lb. S. Chernova, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of «Information Control Systems and Technologies»


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