Determination of the main characteristics of bulk carriers using factor analysis

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Oleksandr Demidiuk
Michail Kosoy
Anastasiia Zaiets


The importance and relevance of the problem of determining the main characteristics of medium and large-capacity bulk carriers is shown. The purpose of the study is to determine the main characteristics of the vessel by the method of Factor Analysis of statistical data and develop an algorithm for using Factor Analysis to solve the problems of determining the main characteristics of the vessel at the initial stages of design. A working hypothesis of the study has been formed, according to which it is assumed that each of the vessels in the sample (database on vessels) is designed in such a way that some operational qualities and / or economic characteristics of the vessel are optimal in some sense. The most promising method for this class of problems is stochastic factor analysis. This method allows you to identify several characteristics that affect the parameters of the entire system, but obviously not observable. The results of calculations by the proposed method are presented. An analysis of the data obtained shows that the ships of the same developers are indeed grouped according to the value of the complexes of factors, which does not contradict the hypothesis put forward about the presence of successful algorithms used by ship project developers. Further, it is possible to use more subtle mechanisms for optimizing the project according to the selected economic and technical parameters.

Article Details

How to Cite
Demidiuk, O., Kosoy, M., & Zaiets, A. (2021). Determination of the main characteristics of bulk carriers using factor analysis. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (66), 5-21.
Theory and ship design
Author Biographies

Oleksandr Demidiuk, Odessa National Maritime University

p.h.d., head of a department «Ship theory and design named after prof. J. Vorobyov»

Michail Kosoy, Odessa National Maritime University

p.h.d., senior lecturer of a department «Ship theory and design named after prof. J. Vorobyov»

Anastasiia Zaiets, Odessa National Maritime University

p.h.d., assistant professor of a department «Ship theory and design named after prof. J. Vorobyov»


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