System optimization of ship handling process management

Main Article Content

E. Kirillova
A. Magamadov
V. Kirillova
N. Pavlova
В. Shurin


For the first time in transport science, the concept of system optimization of control over the process handling of ships (PHS) in the setting «from mooring ships to berths to their unmooring from berths» has been proposed. It has been established that for the implementation of this concept it is necessary to develop a mechanism for the optimal management of the PHS, starting with the substantiation of its organizational and functional structure. A definition of this kind of structure is given as the unity of the composition and the procedure for the development of control actions at the PHS in order to ensure maximum benefits for the port. The tools for the formation of an aggregated cycle of processing of ships, fixing the interval of control of ship operations, construction of a functional model of adaptive control of the PHS in the modes of situational and «sliding» planning have been identified as key elements of the structure. It is shown that the tactics of managing the loading and unloading of ships within the framework of aggregated cycles allows avoiding the problem of the «tail» of the process outside the planning period, and with «sliding» planning, it becomes possible to use of up-to-date information on ships, cargo and handling resources of the port. As a result, the prerequisites are created for the implementation of adaptive control of the PHS by combining software, tracking and stabilizing control. It has been established that the mentioned elements of the organizational and functional structure of the PHS control mechanism are considered together when drawing up a situational plan for the processing of ships.

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How to Cite
Kirillova, E., Magamadov, A., Kirillova, V., Pavlova, N., & ShurinВ. (2021). System optimization of ship handling process management. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (66), 90-101.
Technology and organization of cargo transportation
Author Biographies

E. Kirillova, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD., professor, head of a department  «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

A. Magamadov, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD, Professor of ONMU, Professor at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

V. Kirillova, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

N. Pavlova, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

В. Shurin, Odessa National Maritime University

Senior Lecturer at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»


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