Generalization of the mathematical problem of the assignment model

Main Article Content

Lb.S. Chernova
S.D. Tytov
Лd.S. Chernova


The article considers the construction of a generalized mathematical model of the assignment problem and its solution, followed by computer implementation in the symbolic mathematics environments Maple and Mathematica. The effective method of solving the generalized assignment problem was developed. The theoretical justification of the developed technique was performed and it was interpreted from the standpoint of the concept of dynamic optimization. Model examples of solutions are provided. Based on the packages of symbolic mathematics Maple and Mathematica, that implements the developed algorithm. An alternative computer calculation of model examples was performed and the results were compared with manual calculations. Computer calculations were performed in the environments of the computer packages Maple and Mathematica, using the core routines library packages. The results of the model solution were compared with the previous results. The algorithm of using the proposed model in project planning procedures was developed.

Article Details

How to Cite
Chernova, L., Tytov, S., & ChernovaЛ. (2022). Generalization of the mathematical problem of the assignment model. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (67), 142-167.
Project and program management
Author Biographies

Lb.S. Chernova, Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of «Information Control Systems and Technologies»

S.D. Tytov, Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University

associate professor of the «Higher Mathematics» department

Лd.S. Chernova, Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of «Information Control Systems and Technologies»


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