The role of digital technologies in the modern higher education system

Main Article Content

L.V. Kosharska
V.P. Brednyova
Yu.O. Nikiforov


The article examines types of «green» energy, investigates patterns and global trends of its development, as well as technological and socio-economic features of its spread. The causes of the global energy crisis and the role of «green» energy in its emergence are analyzed. In the 70s of the XX century, «green» energy, based on the use of new technologies for the production of electricity from renewable sources, has gained serious popularity as part of the growing environmental movement. But only at the beginning of the 21st century. a real breakthrough has been made in this field, which may eventually allow these technologies to displace fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) as the primary energy source. The production of electricity from Renewable energy sources (RES) is growing in various countries of the world, and this trend will continue in the future. One of the ways to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is the use of technologies of renewable energy sources. The authors determined the prerequisites and prospects for the development of renewable energy and considered the world experience of using renewable energy during the new Fourth Industrial Revolution, the feature of which, unlike the previous three, is a special account of the anthropogenic impact of activities on the environment. It is shown that the development of technologies of renewable energy sources can be a driver of innovative modernization of the economy and a source of formation of a «green» economy, characterized by high technology, energy independence and minimal impact on the environment. The main goal of the article is to find an answer to the question of how far it is possible to achieve the energy transition in the near future, as well as to carry out a critical analysis of published calculations of humanity's need for energy in 2050, based on the need to significantly reduce the gap in the per capita energy consumption of the population of developed countries. Today, the energy problem is one of the most relevant for all mankind. Traditional sources such as oil, gas and other fossils are gradually becoming more expensive and, of course, cause enormous damage to the environment. This is why solar panels, wind and hydroelectric plants, as well as bioreactors are becoming so popular today. All of them refer to alternative or green energy sources, which will be discussed below.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kosharska, L., Brednyova, V., & Nikiforov, Y. (2022). The role of digital technologies in the modern higher education system. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (67), 168-188.
Project and program management
Author Biographies

L.V. Kosharska, Odessa National Maritime University

candidate of engineering sciences Professor of department of «Technical Service and Repair of Ships»

V.P. Brednyova, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine, Odesa

candidate of engineering sciences Professor of department of «Descriptive Geometry and Engineer Graphics»

Yu.O. Nikiforov, Odessa National Maritime University

candidate of engineering sciences Professor of department of «Technical Service and Repair of Ships»


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