Results of research indicators of electrical energy quality of dc voltage converters in the limit mode functioning

Main Article Content

O. Kochetkov
V. Mashin
T. Gaur
M. Vityuk
R. Kharchenko


The main indicators of the quality of electrical processes of step-down constant voltage pulse converters with single-phase and multi-phase principles of conversion with autotransformer inclusion of chokes in power channels at the limit mode of operation are considered. The dependence of the main indicators of the quality of electrical energy on the value of the input voltage in step-down constant voltage converters is given. The analysis of the results of the study of the effect of the change in the relative supply voltage on the quality indicators of electrical energy of constant voltage impulse converters with autotransformer switching of the choke at the limit mode of operation with single-phase and multiphase principles of electrical energy conversion was carried out.

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How to Cite
Kochetkov, O., Mashin, V., Gaur, T., Vityuk, M., & Kharchenko, R. (2023). Results of research indicators of electrical energy quality of dc voltage converters in the limit mode functioning. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (69), 64-74.
Technical problems of ship equipment operation
Author Biographies

O. Kochetkov, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor Department of «Operation of ship's electrical equipment and automation»

V. Mashin, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer Department of «Operation of ship's electrical equipment and automation»

T. Gaur, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Senior Lecturer Department of «Operation of ship's electrical equipment and automation»

M. Vityuk, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD., Associate Professor Department of «Operation of ship's electrical equipment and automation»

R. Kharchenko, National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»

Ph.D Associate Professor Department of «Maritime Radiocommunications Chair»


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