Theoretical-methodical justification of the mechanism of operational management the processing of ship

Main Article Content

E. Kirillova
A. Mahamadov
V. Kirillova
N. Pavlova
В. Shurin


For the first time in transport science, it is proposed to investigate in a complex all the stages of operational management processing of ship (PS), which is considered separately. It has been established that each of the indicated stages corresponds to a relatively autonomous task, which is related to the implementation of one or another function of management of the PS in the planning and regulation modes with analysis, accordingly, of the process of loading/unloading the ship as a whole or its fragments. It is shown that the management of the PS should begin with the agreement of the conditions of handling the ship by establishing the contractual rate of the dispatch or the rate of cargo operations. To perform this procedure, a method of «bargain» the values of the mentioned indicators in a probabilistic setting has been developed. It has been established that it is expedient to implement the planning function of the PS using grapho-analytical modeling methods, when the productivity of technological lines (TL) does not decrease with the simultaneous operation of two or more lines on one hatch, and mathematical modeling, if this condition is not met. It is shown that the operational analysis of the ship's processing can be performed using a strict method in the formal sense, as well as with the help of a simplified method, which are outlined in the article. A method of producing regulatory influences on the PS is proposed, which is based on the comparison of the amount of TL, which is required to complete the processing of the ship during the remaining steel time, with the technological limit of the concentration of lines on the ship and the adoption of adequate management decisions. A method of factor analysis of the results of ship processing has been developed, considering as factor indicators the loading of the ship, the number and productivity of TL and the level of organization of the PS, and as effective indicators − the duration of the processing of the vessel and port costs for the implementation of the PS. The methodology of the economic assessment of the final results of the ship's processing by means of port profit indicators and the economic efficiency of the implementation of the PS in the optimal setting is described.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kirillova, E., Mahamadov, A., Kirillova, V., Pavlova, N., & ShurinВ. (2023). Theoretical-methodical justification of the mechanism of operational management the processing of ship. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (69), 105-123.
Technology and organisation of transportation
Author Biographies

E. Kirillova, Odesa national maritime university, Ukraine, Odesa

Doctor of Technology, Professor, Нead of a department «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

A. Mahamadov, Odesa national maritime university, Ukraine, Odesa

PhD, Associate Professor, Professor of ONMU, Professor at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

V. Kirillova, Odesa national maritime university, Ukraine, Odesa

PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of « Fleet Operating and Technologу of Sea Carriages»

N. Pavlova, Odesa national maritime university, Ukraine, Odesa

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»

В. Shurin, Odesa national maritime university, Ukraine, Odesa

Senior Lecturer at the Department  of «Port operation and cargo handling technology»


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