Selection of the maneuver to return the ship to the program trajectory of movement without coordination with the purpose

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T. Kalinichenko


The article deals with one of the problems of preventing ships from closing, as one of the most important problems in the safety of ship navigation. In the process of computer simulation of the process of disengagement of ships, which are located on small distances of insecurity, it can be caused at the stage of turning ships on their program trajectories. The article obtained the condition for the safe exit of the ship to the program trajectory for the case when there is no coordination with the target. An expression is given for the relative angular velocity that occurs when ships turn, and a graphical dependence of the relative angular velocity on time is also presented

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How to Cite
Kalinichenko, T. (2023). Selection of the maneuver to return the ship to the program trajectory of movement without coordination with the purpose. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (70), 47-57.
Ensuring the safety of navigation
Author Biography

T. Kalinichenko, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Ukraine

graduate student, senior teacher Department of Navigation and Management of Marine Vessels


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