Technological possibilities of restoring cast iron parts of marine diesel engines

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O. Stalnichenko
O. Shamov
Ye. Kozishkurt


The use of modern methods for the restoration of worn cast iron parts of marine diesel engines is one of the necessary resources in ship repair. Complex, heavily loaded, high-value basic components of diesel engines are made of cast iron parts, the quality of repair of which affects the performance of the unit and the unit as a whole. To investigate the possibilities of restoring worn cast iron covers and pistons of marine diesel engines, the weldability of gray and high-strength cast irons was studied and metallographic studies of welded surfaces were performed. The weldability studies of gray and high-strength cast iron on simulators revealed the possibility of restoring cast iron ship parts. The results obtained make it possible to proceed to experimental studies to develop a recovery technology for real ship parts. The study results demonstrate that the technologies for restoring worn cast iron parts of marine diesel engines have significant potential to improve the quality and service life of these parts. Surfacing is one of the most effective restoration methods, as it allows for precise restoration of the shape and dimensions of the part, as well as providing the required hardness and strength. The conclusions of the study make it possible to develop optimal strategies for the restoration of worn cast iron parts of marine diesel engines, taking into account the requirements for quality and efficiency. The results obtained can be used to further improve recovery technologies, develop new materials and processes that will contribute to the growth of the shipbuilding industry, and maintain the stability of maritime transport.

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How to Cite
Stalnichenko, O., Shamov, O., & Kozishkurt, Y. (2023). Technological possibilities of restoring cast iron parts of marine diesel engines. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (70), 58-70.
Technical problems of ship equipment operation
Author Biographies

O. Stalnichenko, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Ph.D, Professor, Нead of the Department of «Materials technology»

O. Shamov, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Ph.D, Associate professor of the Department of «Materials technology»

Ye. Kozishkurt, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Ph.D, Senior lecturer of the Department of «Materials technology»


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