Solution of the two-stage transportation problem with using the PuLP library of the Python language

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M.V. Rozum
I.H. Buhaieva


The article considers the construction of a mathematical model of a two-stage transport problem. The given example of solving a two-stage transport problem with additional conditions: direct deliveries of products from manufacturers to consumers are possible, transportation of products between intermediate bases is inadmissible, in an unbalanced problem, the products of some individual manufacturers must be exported in full. The solution of such a problem is presented using the CBC solver of the Python library. The effectiveness of the obtained solution compared to the standard solution of transport problems by the method of potentials with the construction of an initial reference plan, for example, by the method of minimum cost, is shown.

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How to Cite
Rozum, M., & Buhaieva, I. (2023). Solution of the two-stage transportation problem with using the PuLP library of the Python language. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (71), 207-220.
Project and program management
Author Biographies

M.V. Rozum, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Ph.D., Docent of the Department «Technical Cybernetics and Information Technologies named after prof. R.V. Merkt»

I.H. Buhaieva, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Ph.D., Docent of the Department «Technical Cybernetics and Information Technologies named after prof. R.V. Merkt»


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