Fractographic justification of fracture resistance loss in steel elements of overloaded machinery metal constructions

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I.P. Lehetska


The problem related to the loss of resistance to brittle fracture in steel elements of the metal structure of loading equipment has been investigated. A fracto- graphic analysis was conducted at macro and micro levels on samples taken from two sections of the crane that underwent testing to determine their impact toughness. The selected samples covered the least and most loaded areas of the crane's metal structure to reflect the minimum and maximum levels of operational steel degradation. The assessment of metal degradation was carried out based on its resistance to brittle fracture. A correlation was established between the nature of the fracture, energy absorption, and indicators of resistance to brittle fracture. Special attention was given to the location of delamination along the direction of rolling during macro and microfracto- graphic studies. Macrofractographic analysis confirmed the general tendency of the metal to delaminate, especially along the fibers of the texture. This tendency varied for different sections of the crane's metal structure and depended on the level of operational stresses in the structural elements. It was found that longitudinal samples exhibited fractographic signs of delamination in the form of secondary cracks perpendicular to the fracture plane. The macrofracture of a sample from a loaded area revealed a significant amount of delamination, indicating their role in the propagation of fractures during impact tests. These results allow establishing a connection between the material's structure, its mechanical properties, and operational degra-dation, which is crucial for improving the reliability and safety of crane metal structures

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How to Cite
Lehetska, I. (2024). Fractographic justification of fracture resistance loss in steel elements of overloaded machinery metal constructions . Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (72), 43-51.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biography

I.P. Lehetska, Odesa national maritime university, Odesa, Ukraine

Lecturer of the Department of «Lifting and Transport Machines and Engineering of Port Technical Equipment»


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