Heat future of the Planet Earth

Main Article Content

G.K. Lavrenchenko
A.G. Slynko
S.V. Kozlovskyi
A.S. Boychuk
V.M. Halkin


In the work of thermal calculations of thermodynamic cycles of energy and refrigeration plants and processes carried out in air conditioners, it is proved that the temperature rise of the atmosphere of the planet «Earth» is inevitable. In order to reduce the rate of temperature increase, it is necessary to abandon the use of oil and gas, to switch to renewable energy sources and to abandon some of the benefits of civilization. It is clear that it is impossible to abandon the latter, therefore, in order to slow down the process of temperature increase, it is necessary to constantly improve the thermodynamic cycles of energy and refrigeration plants and the processes used in air conditioners. These devices are, and will remain, significant thermal pollutants of the Earth's atmosphere. Thus, the converters of the heat received from the oil produced per day by only four leading oil-producing countries of the world into mechanical work pollute the atmosphere with heat equivalent to the power of 334 Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants. All the heat obtained only from this oil, which eventually enters the atmosphere, is equal to the total capacity of almost 500 Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants. The distance between the stations, if they are evenly spaced along the Equator, is only 80 km. The air conditioner, which maintains a comfortable microclimate in the room at an outside air temperature of 35 ºС, heat inflows equal to 20 kW, emits 220 kW of heat into the atmosphere. When the temperature of the outside air is increased by 5 ºС, the power of heat that pollutes the atmosphere increases to 330 kW, that is, the thermal pollution coefficient of a working air conditioner is equal to 16.5. The same heat pollutants of the atmosphere are ordinary refrigeration units, which emit 30...50% more heat than their cooling capacity into the environment. In addition, refrigeration units, as a rule, work on high-tech energy, the production of which causes thermal pollution of the atmosphere, if it is not hydroelectricity. It is impossible to stop the process of thermal pollution of the Earth's atmosphere, it can only be slowed down by using only renewable types of energy and improving the currently used thermodynamic cycles of power and refrigeration plants and heat and mass exchange processes in comfortable, technical and technological air conditioners

Article Details

How to Cite
Lavrenchenko, G., Slynko, A., Kozlovskyi, S., Boychuk, A., & Halkin, V. (2024). Heat future of the Planet Earth. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (72), 131-144. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2024-1-131-144
Project and program management
Author Biographies

G.K. Lavrenchenko, Institute of Low Temperature Energy Technologies p/b 285, Odesa, 65023, Ukraine

Doctor of technical science, Professor

A.G. Slynko, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ship Power Plants and Technical Operation

S.V. Kozlovskyi, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

PhDs in Technical Sciences, Associate professors of the Department of Ship Power Plants and Technical Operation

A.S. Boychuk, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

PhDs in Technical Sciences, Associate professors of the Department of Ship Power Plants and Technical Operation

V.M. Halkin, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

PhD in Technical Sciences


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