Model for selecting and analysing the influence of lifting gears on the main dimentions of subsea construction vessel

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О. Abdullayev


Considered and graphically formulated, analyses used in the offshore oilfield cargo cranes installed on ships operating in the Caspian Sea basin. The method of definition of the main dimension of subsea construction vessel is reflected in initial design stages with use of the nomogram, according to the cargo crane assumed to installation. It is graphically reflected the offered optimum load capacity of cranes. The main dimensions and main parameters of cargo cranes of the proposed subsea construction vessels intended for operation in the Caspian Sea basin are formed.

Article Details

How to Cite
AbdullayevО. (2024). Model for selecting and analysing the influence of lifting gears on the main dimentions of subsea construction vessel. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (74), 7-18.
Theory and ship design
Author Biography

О. Abdullayev, Institute KASPMORNIIPROECT, ACSC, Baku, republic of Azerbaijan

Director of the Design


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