Experimental studies of the interaction of shell piles with the open bottom end and the ground base
Main Article Content
The results of the experimental research presented in the article involve studying the interaction of the shell piles with an open bottom end and the ground base during immersion by an axial vertical load and pulling out of the soil, establishing the effect of various forms of the bottom end of the pile on the stress-deformed state of the ground base. The dependences of the soil resistance to immersion and pullout of the shell pile on the value of its axial load, the determination of the patterns of distribution of the lateral soil pressure on the outer and inner surfaces of the shell pile and the resistance of the soil on its sole, as well as the determination of the height of the soil rise in the shell cavity during immersion were obtained. Preliminary methodological tests of the proposed shell pile model showed its high accuracy, multifunctionality and efficiency. The proposed shell pile model allows us to study the soil's interaction on the shell pile's outer surface and the soil's resistance to the shell. The results of tests on such a model make it possible to fully evaluate the interaction of the shell pile contact surface and use modern methods of calculating structures effectively. The article describes the developed models to consider not only the structure and characteristics of the geomaterial but also its location inside the pile shell. At the same time, the model considers not only the parameters of the backfill soil but also the characteristics of the geomaterial.
Article Details
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