Smolyankin Timofey Sergeyevich - 120 years since his birth. Port operation enthusiast

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O. Magamadov


120 years since the birth of Smolyankin Timofey Sergei-wich, engineer, scientist and teacher, who became a member of the Odessa Institute of Naval Engineers - OIIMF (now Odessa National Maritime University - ONMU), founder of scientific school of professional training, port operators port managers.

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How to Cite
Magamadov, O. (2020). Smolyankin Timofey Sergeyevich - 120 years since his birth. Port operation enthusiast. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 5-10.
Prominent scientists of Odessa National Maritime University
Author Biography

O. Magamadov, Odessa National Maritime University

кандидат технических наук, доцент, профессор ОНМУ