Environmental assessment of surface water quality in the Dniester-Southern Bug interriver area with drip irrigation
Main Article Content
The article is devoted to the current problem of water quality standardization for drip irrigation systems. The results of studies of surface water quality in the Dniester-Southern Bug interfluve within the territory of Odesa region for the period 2008-2017 are covered. The source of initial information is the archive materials of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Odesa Regional State Administration and the Separate Subdivision of the Basin Management of Water Resources of the Black Sea Rivers and the Lower Danube «Black Sea Center for Water Resources and Soils». To achieve the goal of the work, the following tasks were implemented: the quality of irrigation water was assessed for the risk of secondary soil salinization based on the indicators of the total concentration of toxic ions, taking into account their granulometric composition; the quality of irrigation water was determined for the risk of soil alkalinization and the content of trace elements and heavy metals in it; the quality of surface water was assessed for ecological-hygienic and ecological-toxic indicators for drip irrigation. Based on the results of the study, it was established that surface water in the basins of the Baraboy, Maly Kuyalnik and Tiligul rivers correspond to quality class II according to agronomic criteria. Water from such irrigation sources can be used for drip irrigation systems, provided that its quality is constantly monitored and a set of agro- ameliorative measures are mandatory. Surface water of Bolshoy Kuyalnik corresponds to quality class III and is not suitable for drip irrigation systems without preliminary improvement of its composition and properties. It was determined that the content of heavy metals and microelements (aluminum, manganese, chromium, copper) in surface waters was not detected, and the concentration of total iron did not exceed the standard values. Assessment of the quality of surface waters in the Baraboy, Maly Kuyalnik and Tiligul basins according to ecological-hygienic and ecological-toxicological criteria showed that the excess of standard values for the content of synthetic surface-active quantities was 3-4 MPC, and the most extreme pollution was observed in the waters of the Bolshoy Kuyalnik River basin and corresponded to 5-8 MPC.
Article Details
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