Theoretical and methodological basis of determining the contractual indicators of the ship processing process
Main Article Content
For the first time in the transport scientific literature, a generalized approach to the creation of a mechanism for agreeing conditions regarding the adoption of contractual indicators of the process of handling vessels in the form of an algorithm for achieving compromise, consensus and long-term agreement between the participants of the contractual process is proposed.It was established that the operations of this algorithm should be forged according to the scheme: discussion (beginning, "middle", end) - dialogue I - reaching a compromise - dialogue II - reaching consensus - dialogue III - reaching a long-term agreement. The meaningful structure of the algorithm is determined with the characteristics of mandatory operations of its steps (stages).It is shown that the management coordination mechanism should be based on a combination of the potential for coordination and interaction, which ensures the harmonization of relations between the parties to the contract. A modern interpretation of the specified concepts in terms of business communication of business entities is given. It is proven that interaction as a component of management should be defined as not only assistance (cooperation) but also opposition (competition).Modes of implementation of the algorithm are established - for all steps (for long-term agreement) and for steps from the beginning of the discussion to reaching a compromise (for an operational perspective). It is shown that the appearance of the «human»factor in the business communication of the participants of the contractual process in the form of subjectivism and «market selfishness» is overcome by creating dialogues for stages I-III and reaching a compromise,consensus and long-term agreement of an adequate and strict methodological toolkit in the formal sense. A methodical support for the solution of tasks has been developed regarding the establishment of contractual levels of the indicators of the dispatch rate, the rate of loading/unloading of ships and the chord rate for transshipment of cargo in a probabilistic setting.It was determined that the next stage of research should be connected with the development of an algorithm for the agreement of contractual conditions and the development of computer technologies for the implementation of methods for establishing the mentioned indicators of the processing of ship.
Article Details
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