Mechanisms for using innovative technologies for risk management in freight forwarding in the sphere of maritime transport

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V.M. Piterska


The purpose of the research is to develop scientifically based mechanisms for the use of innovative technologies for effective risk management in freight forwarding, in particular, in maritime transport. The objectives of the research included the analysis of modern risks existing in freight forwarding activities, with an emphasis on maritime transport, the identification of technological solutions that can be used for effective risk management, the study of the possibility of using innovative technologies for monitoring cargo and vehicles, forecasting and assessing risks, optimizing routes and planning transportation, increasing the level of safety and efficiency of logistics operations, reducing operating costs and increasing competitiveness. The subject of the study is models and methods of risk management in freight forwarding activities. The following results were obtained: the types of risks arising in the process of implementing freight forwarding activities were analyzed, their impact on the functioning of the cargo delivery system was established considering the timeliness of cargo transportation and optimization of delivery costs, technological solutions for effective risk management in the field of transport. forwarding based on a scientifically based approach. The application of the «House of Quality» model allowed us to clearly reflect the relationship between customer needs and technical characteristics, identify priority tasks and set targets for each characteristic, allowing us to develop and implement a risk minimization project that meets customer needs and effectively solves risk reduction problems. in the field of freight forwarding activities in maritime transport. Conclusions: the paper explores the possibilities of using innovative technologies for monitoring cargo and vehicles, forecasting and assessing risks, optimizing routes and planning transportation, increasing the level of safety and efficiency of logistics opera- tions, reducing operating costs and increasing competitiveness, develops theoretical foundations for the application of innovative technologies for risk management in freight forwarding activities with an emphasis on maritime transport and proves the feasibility of using the House of Quality model for assessing, forecasting and reducing risks in the field of freight forwarding. Further research will be aimed at improving models and mechanisms for the application of innovative technologies for risk management in freight forwarding activities, forecasting and assessing risks in maritime transport, using modern information technologies to develop software for effective risk management, and developing training programs for specialists in risk management in maritime transport.

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How to Cite
Piterska, V. (2024). Mechanisms for using innovative technologies for risk management in freight forwarding in the sphere of maritime transport. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (74), 154-165.
Technology and organisation of transportation
Author Biography

V.M. Piterska, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Professor of the Department of Port Operation and Cargo Handling Technology


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