Identification of heat and hydraulic characteristics of channels of complex profile

Main Article Content

T.D. Panchenko
V.I. Starodub
I.A. Tuzova
V.V. Chelabchi
V.N. Chelabchi


The article discusses the methods for identifying the heat-hydraulic characteristics of the slotted channels of a complex profile in the case of laminar and transient modes of air flow. The identification of aerodynamic characteristics is carried out on the basis of a full-scale experiment. The working medium in the experiment is water. In the transition to dependencies for air, similarity theory is used. The study of heat transfer in the channel is carried out numerically. An effective method of approximation of the equations of mathematical transport models is proposed and a new algorithm for jointly solving transport equations is used. The solution of tasks on modeling air velocity and pressure is carried out iteratively. The obtained air velocity field allows us to determine the temperature field by a numerical method. According to the simulation results, criterion dependences are established for describing heat transfer.

Article Details

How to Cite
Panchenko, T., Starodub , V., Tuzova, I., Chelabchi, V., & Chelabchi, V. (2020). Identification of heat and hydraulic characteristics of channels of complex profile. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 135-154.
Technical problems of ship equipment operation
Author Biographies

T.D. Panchenko, Odessa national maritime university

senior lecturer of the department of  «Technical Cybernetics named of the Professor R.V. Merct»

V.I. Starodub , Odessa national maritime university

senior lecturer of the department of  «Technical Cybernetics named of the Professor R.V. Merct»

I.A. Tuzova, Odessa national maritime university

Associate Professor of the department of  «Technical Cybernetics named of the Professor R.V. Merct»

V.V. Chelabchi, Odessa national maritime university

senior lecturer of the department of  «Technical Cybernetics named of the Professor R.V. Merct»

V.N. Chelabchi, Odessa national maritime university

Ph. D. Professor of the department of  «Technical Cybernetics named of the Professor R.V. Merct»


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