Comparative indirect estimation of limits of endurance of details on results their tests with the increasing loading

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A.V. Konoplev
P.I. Grechenko
N.I. Cheredarchuk
V.V. Halevskyi
V.О. Sologub
О.К. Rozhko
O.М. Kononova


It offers to conduct the comparative estimation of resistance of tiredness  of details of machines by implication, by comparison of sizes of stress-at-breaks at their test with the increasing loading. It is shown a calculation, that these tensions have practically an identical scope of varying with the limit of endurance, and their dispersions are homogeneous

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How to Cite
Konoplev, A., Grechenko, P., Cheredarchuk, N., Halevskyi, V., Sologub, V., RozhkoО., & Kononova, O. (2020). Comparative indirect estimation of limits of endurance of details on results their tests with the increasing loading. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (60), 70-80.
Tightening and strength of machine parts
Author Biographies

A.V. Konoplev, Odessa national maritime university

Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorHead of the Department of «Machine Science»

P.I. Grechenko, Odessa national maritime university

Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of «Machine Science»

N.I. Cheredarchuk, Odessa national maritime university

Postgraduate student of the department «Machine Science»

V.V. Halevskyi, Odessa national maritime university

Postgraduate student of the department «Machine Science»

V.О. Sologub, Odessa national maritime university

Graduate student of the Department «Machine Science»

О.К. Rozhko, Odessa national maritime university

Assistant of the Department «Applied mechanics»

O.М. Kononova, Odessa national maritime university

Postgraduate student of the Department «Machine Science»


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