Selection criteria of constructive type and material for deep portholes of the black sea pool

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V.Yu. Kochanov


Selection criteria of translucent elements of conical, spherical and cylindrical deep-sea portholes made from organic and inorganic glass based on a comparative analysis of their technical and technological characteristics, operational loads, as well as the stress-strain state and the nature of fracture were developed.

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How to Cite
Kochanov, V. (2020). Selection criteria of constructive type and material for deep portholes of the black sea pool. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (61), 70-79.
Construction and strength of vessels and means of ocean development
Author Biography

V.Yu. Kochanov, National University of Shipbuilding them. Admiral Makarov

Senior Researcher department of Department of Design and Production of Structures from Composite Materials


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