The peripeties of professor Charles Clark: to the history of the «Odessa» period of life

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V. Levchenko
G. Levchenko
A. Lyashenko


In the first part of the article dedicated to Professor Ch. Clark, it is pointed out that the development of modern science does not do without considering the existing heritage of previous generations of scientistsх. During the Soviet period, the names of many scientists of the 1920s, recognized by the Soviet regime as «bourgeois» over time, were forgotten for a long time, and until now little was known about their life and work. Such a fate befell Professor Ch. Clark, whose name as a leader of the pre-revolutionary and early period of the Soviet era was also forgotten for a long time. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the analysis of most aspects of Ch. Clarke in the «Odessa» period of his life makes it possible to more deeply comprehend historical events and phenomena, to reveal the content and specifics of the formation and development of higher shipbuilding education on the territory of Ukraine. «Odessa» period of the life of Ch. Clarke, his methodical-pedagogical, scientific-organizational and social activities have not yet been studied, therefore, no doubt, they deserve a special scientific study that will demonstrate the contribution of this extraordinary person to educational, scientific and social processes in Odessa. The aim of the study is an attempt at scientific reconstruction of the activities of Ch. Clarke in the educational, scientific and social planes during the «Odessa» period of his life, which makes it possible to deepen and expand our understanding of the content of the cultural process at the turn of the 1910s-1920s. Research objectives are defined in accordance with the topic: 1) characteristic of the «Odessa» period of the life of Ch. Clark; 2) coverage of his pedagogical, scientific and social activities; 3) assessment of his contribution to the development of higher shipbuilding education in Odessa; 4) familiarization with the scientific heritage and analysis of its main directions of scientific research.

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How to Cite
Levchenko, V., Levchenko, G., & Lyashenko, A. (2020). The peripeties of professor Charles Clark: to the history of the «Odessa» period of life. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (62), 7-28.
Outstanding scientists - founders of higher shipbuilding education in Odessa
Author Biographies

V. Levchenko, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, docent Department of Ukrainian Studies, Historical, Legal and Language Disciplines

G. Levchenko, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, docent Department of History of Ukraine

A. Lyashenko, Odessa national maritime university

PhD, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Shipbuilding, Information Technology and System Engineering


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