Substantiation of outlook of train car-passenger ferries for the Caspian sea

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G. Yegorov
I. Ilnytskyi
A. Egorov


The analysis of necessity of creation of new train carpassenger ferries for the Caspian Sea has been carried out. The cargo base for vessels of the Caspian region is determined by the special geographical transit position of the great lake-sea and the needs of the Caspian countries – Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan and some neighboring countries – Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, as well as India, Afghanistan, Pakistan. The concept has been substantiated and the main characteristics of the new cargo-passenger ferry have been determined. Advantages of the new CNF18C ferry comparing with existing ones: general capacity for T-1 railway wagons (length between coupling gauges of 12020 mm) is 56 units (not more than 54 at existing vessels); rails are placed below deck lever; open deck accelerates and facilitates loading/unloading processes and also positively influences onto shipping safety; availability of the side ramp for loading/unloading vehicles onto berths provides work not only at usual railway berths but also at ordinary dry cargo berths of sufficient length; cargo hold’s height (5400 mm) allows to transport high wagons in the holds (existing ferries have hold of 5000 mm height); cargo elevator’s length of 25 m provides two railway tracks loading/unloading of railway wagons and Ro-Ro cargoes of 188 t total weight from upper deck to lower one, including 11-935F platforms of 19620 mm length with 3 TEU (existing ferries have cargo elevator of 14540 mm length and 170 t lifting capacity); 100 passengers may be placed and transported onboard the vessel. Simultaneously transportation of passengers and dangerous cargoes is foreseen according to dangerous goods transportation regulations.

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How to Cite
Yegorov, G., Ilnytskyi, I., & Egorov, A. (2021). Substantiation of outlook of train car-passenger ferries for the Caspian sea. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (64), 7-33.
Theory and ship design
Author Biographies

G. Yegorov, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director

I. Ilnytskyi, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

First Deputy General Director, Chief Designer

A. Egorov, Maritime Engineering Bureau, Odessa

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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