Methodology of harmonized management of enterprises on the basis of transport hub

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A.O. Muradyan


The selected task, namely the management of interacting enterprises in transport hubs has more than a century of history, but it in the general setting remains to this day insufficiently studied. The available research results can only be partially used to address it due to their fragmentary nature and incomplete compliance with the market philosophy of real transport production management, including the stages of transportation and transshipment of goods. An attempt to eliminate this «white spot» in transport science, namely to develop a methodology for managing interacting enterprises in transport hubs is carried out in this article. A study of a set of  issues related to the formulation and analysis of the problem of ensuring the coordinated management of interacting transport systems in the implementation of the processes of transportation and transshipment of goods. At the present stage, a theoretical and methodological basis has been used to solve this problem, based on the principles of traditional management theory, social management, interaction marketing and game theory. The structure of the mechanism of providing the coordinated management with allocation of stages of achievement and realization of the made decisions is defined

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How to Cite
Muradyan, A. (2021). Methodology of harmonized management of enterprises on the basis of transport hub. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (64), 112-123.
Transportation systems and technologies
Author Biography

A.O. Muradyan, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department «Port Operation and Cargo Handling»


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