Certain issues of energy conservation in heat supply in houses

Main Article Content

Е.Yu. Fеdоrоvа


The article deals with the issues related to energy saving and energy efficiency of energy resources. The fact that there is a shortage of basic energy resources, an increase in the cost of their production, as well as global environmental problems is very worrying. The issues of economy of energy resources at heating of the room are solved, the functional scheme of system of automatic regulation of heating for the separately taken apartment of the apartment house with autonomous heating is developed in the article

Article Details

How to Cite
FеdоrоvаЕ. (2021). Certain issues of energy conservation in heat supply in houses. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (64), 140-148. https://doi.org/10.47049/2226-1893-2021-1-140-148
Environmental problems of hydrotechnical construction
Author Biography

Е.Yu. Fеdоrоvа, Odessa National Maritime University

Ph.D., Docent of the «Civil engineering and architecture»


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