Choice and substantiation of shipchandler companies for servicing container ships

Main Article Content

O.G. Shibaev
Т.I. Bernevek
M.S. Vilshanyuk


The article examines the peculiarities of choosing a shipchandler company for servicing container ships. Considering that there is a large number of intermediaries on the shipping market, including shipchandler services, this type of service activity has its own characteristics, which are discussed in the work. There are many types of shipchandler services, which is due to the need to have almost all kinds of stocks on the ship, from products to spare parts and oils, which is why there is a significant variety of shipchandler companies. Shipchandling companies differ not only in the types of supplies they carry out, but also in the types of shipping, geography, and types of vessels they serve. The specifics of providing shipchandler services for container ships, which in modern conditions of increased ship size and cargo transportation range, are sometimes serviced on specially equipped roadways without access to berths, have their own equipment, which also requires appropriate maintenance and rather high standards of cargo unloading works, which significantly reduces the time of the vessel's stay in the port. Shipchandler services are quite important to ensure the efficient operation of the ship. In this regard, for shipowners and charterers, a real problem arises regarding the choice of a reliable intermediary who will be able to meet all the needs of the ship in a timely manner and in full. Shipchandler activity remains relevant and will be in demand in the future in connection with the growth of transportation volumes, especially container cargo. However, in our view, it will be increasingly integrated into modern supply chains based on automation and digitization.

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How to Cite
Shibaev, O., BernevekТ., & Vilshanyuk, M. (2023). Choice and substantiation of shipchandler companies for servicing container ships. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (71), 172-183.
Technology and organisation of transportation
Author Biographies

O.G. Shibaev, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Fleet Operation and Technology of Maritime Transportation

Т.I. Bernevek, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fleet Operation and Technology of Maritime Transportation

M.S. Vilshanyuk, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Senior lecturer at the Department of Fleet Operation and Maritime Transport Technology


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