Environmental higher education in the modern system as the basis of new thinking
Main Article Content
Environmental education is a process that enables people to learn about environmental problems, participate in solving them, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, people gain a deeper understanding of environmental issues and acquire the skills to make informed and responsible decisions. The main goal of greening education is to form a new person who realizes himself in an inseparable connection with nature, to form a specialist who will create new technologies and techniques that will ensure the implementation of the concept of sustainable development of society. The existing ecological situation confirms the need for an immediate restruc- turing of the thinking of each individual and society as a whole, the formation of ecological consciousness and ecological culture, therefore ecological education should become a priority direction in the educational process. Environmental education is an important process for society to realize its responsibility for the state of the environment. Environmental education is a continuous process of learning, education and personal development aimed at forming a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, as well as value orientations, behavior and activities. The following principles are laid down in the system of environmental education: humanism, scientificity, integration, continuity, systematicity and interconnection of disclosure of global, regional and local aspects of ecology. The article determines the relevance of the formation of a new environmental thinking, considers the possible directions of the development of the ecological education system, specifies the tasks of ecological education in the modern educational system, which is also of great importance for students of maritime specialties.
Article Details
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