Planning the components of voyage time considering the terms of charter-party on laytime

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Yu.O. Koskina


The purposed mathematical apparatus lets to determine the speed of the vessel on the passages between ports considering the terms of charter-party on vessel's time in port (laytime terms etc). The duration of vessel's time in port also depends a lot on the time of the vessel's arrival. The voyage is presented as a calendar scheme indicating the main time-points stipulated by charter-party terms – their beginning and ending, which depend right on the vessel's speed on the passages. The speed of the vessel is determined based on the interests of the shipowner on the duration of the vessel's time in port.

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How to Cite
Koskina, Y. (2020). Planning the components of voyage time considering the terms of charter-party on laytime. Herald of the Odessa National Maritime University, (59(2), 166-182.
Technology and organization of cargo transportation
Author Biography

Yu.O. Koskina, Odessa national maritime university

Ph.D., associate professor Department of Fleet Operating and Technologу of Sea Carriages


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